Formulación de un OVA para el aprendizaje de vocabulario en una segunda lengua en población universitaria Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rojas Salazar, Eliana Valentina

external tutor

  • García-García, Milena


  • The purpose of this document is to establish the way in which the process of learning a second language can be carried out in university students, based on the analysis of the different linguistic components involved in the teaching process. The fundamental purpose is to demonstrate how the design of a Virtual Learning Object, as technological instruments, allows the development and strengthening of the psycholinguistic skills of the students of the faculty of speech therapy, especially as regards the area of psychopathologies, through activities aimed at acquiring vocabulary specific to this subject, in order to allow them to clearly understand each of the texts presented to them in languages such as English. In fact, the main elements of not only learning / teaching processes, but also the way in which these are incorporated specific language skills.

publication date

  • November 29, 2019 9:23 PM


  • Communication
  • Language
  • Psycholinguistic skills
  • Teaching process
  • Virtual Learning Object
  • Vocabulary

Document Id

  • f5cb536f-3a9d-4e75-81bc-bfc201bb3606