Conducta médica versus escala modificada Wood en bronquiolitis aguda Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ramirez Villamizar, Johanna


  • The diagnosis and classification of the severity of bronchiolitis are based on clinical history and physical examination. Currently there is a variability in the clinical setting in the use of predictors of hospitalization of these patients. In Colombia, due to the limited number of hospital beds, it is important to differentiate and properly classify the handling site for each patient, in accordance with their clinical characteristics, history and socio-demographic features. According to this, morbidity and mortality of patients will be avoided due to this cause, a timely handling will be provided, and resources will be optimized.Modified Wood’s clinical asthma severity scale (M-WCAS), combines symptoms and signs found in physical exams to classify the severity of acute bronchiolitis. Such scale was validated in Colombia in the year 2013 and it could be an instrument that supports clinical decision making for these patients in regards to the place of handling.

publication date

  • July 5, 2016 7:37 PM


  • Bronchiolitis
  • hospitalization
  • severity scale

Document Id

  • fa55d521-481d-4cb0-9686-1b453b2d52da