Red de Conocimientos Campesinos: hilos de saberes, experiencias y tensiones en Zona Bananera Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Sánchez Alayón, Laura Angélica


  • Peasant knowledge has been thinking as an accumulation of traditional learnings and practices that land workers have learnt and conveyed from one generation another. But, is important to considerate peasant knowledge like a network of learnings, experiences, practices and territorial relationships to analyze links and connections between peasants and land, water, seeds, crops, chemicals, work tools and money. This network is woven from multiple actors such as state and bank officials, businessmen, relatives, neighbors and friends, who influence and intervene in resources managed by peasants. This thesis deals the construction, reconstruction and materialization of land work knowledge formed by farmer peasants in the town of Zona Bananera, Magdalena. In peasant plot, banana companies, oil extractors, workers of Instituto Colombiano para la Reforma Agraria INCORA, local governments and higher education teachers have controlled the use of resources. In those places, through their knowledge farmers have appropriated, negotiated, disputed and resisted others knowledges that regulate, restrict and lead the resource management in farmer lands.

publication date

  • 2016-06-22


  • Peasant Knowledge
  • confluence of powers
  • resource management
  • work in land

Document Id

  • 0d2933b7-32b3-41a8-8f06-d3f964a673ba