Estructura de capital y sus alternativas en Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Moncada Meléndez, Santiago Sebastián


  • This monograph aims to describe, from the revised literature, the formation of private business capital structures in Colombia during the years 2012 to 2016, for which it will describe how the financing of assets and investments in Colombia was established and from there The composition of the capital structure in the aforementioned period. In order to achieve this objective, a description and conceptual research was made taking as reference the legal and normative framework, among which the different possibilities of corporate formation stand out, being this a fundamental aspect that limits the possibilities and conformation of the structure of private capital In Colombia, during the development of the study, the normative limitation regarding stock market regulations in Colombia, which is determinant for the conformation of capital structure, is also found during the development of the study. Continuing with the development of the work, we can observe the different theories of the great financial theorists, such as the traditional theory, the theory of the hierarchy of sources, theory of optimal structure, theory of the Pecking Order and theory of Market Timing. Based on this, the present work is concluded with a reflection around the thematic about the societal mode of simplified shares companies taking in mind the great relevance that they have taken since its creation in the Colombian market due to its facilities of formation and regulation.

publication date

  • February 6, 2017 2:19 PM


  • Capital
  • Capital Market
  • Emerging Market
  • Indebtedness
  • Societies
  • Stocks
  • Wacc.

Document Id

  • 16c7ee9e-a5a7-4f00-941d-3b1811d51697