La Gastropolitica: un estudio de caso durante las elecciones locales en la ciudad de Bogotá́ de 2019 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Prado Chicaiza, Elizabeth Manuela


  • Gastropolitics is an ancient concept that refers to the way in which food is used to carry out social and political transactions. In this work, Gastropolitics was studied in the 2019 regional elections in Bogotá, where three specific situations were identified where political candidates used food in their favor. The first of them was in his photographs, a large group of photographs were studied in which the candidates were shown eating or sharing food, all of them had different underlying intentions, which are related to the discipline of Political Marketing. The second situation was the face-to-face meetings that they held throughout their campaign, where food, drink and music were the protagonists. From this, the values ​​and meanings of sharing food with others were studied, with anthropological studies. The third situation was the food gifts made directly in squares and poor neighborhoods to receive citizen support, as retribution. This project wants to set the precedent for the type of gastronomic research that journalism can carry out, hand in hand with other sciences and professions.

publication date

  • September 3, 2021 2:14 PM


  • Anthropology of food
  • Food history
  • Gastronomic journalism
  • Gastronomy
  • Political marketing

Document Id

  • 278b40be-8e9a-4ad1-b75c-868d11652c20