Autonomía de la mujer, y la prevención del cáncer del cuello uterino, en Colombia 2015 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Alvarado, Diego
  • Sandoval, Edna


  • Establish the relationship between women's autonomy and the performance of cervical cytology and knowledge about human papillomavirus (HPV) in Colombia 2015, for which a cross-sectional analytical study was made, based on the data of the National Survey of Demography and Health of 2015, where a total of 22,446 women who answered the individual questionnaire against the prevention of cervical cancer were analyzed

publication date

  • August 17, 2018 8:15 PM


  • Cancer screening
  • Cervical cancer
  • Women's autonomy

Document Id

  • 29c8e94e-c302-46ae-be80-351e1022a656