Trashumancia electoral en los comicios locales de 2003-2007-2011 en Boyacá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Guavita Vanegas, Lina Vanessa


  • The purpose of this thesis is to determine the incidence of electoral migration in the local elections of 2003, 2007, and 2011 in Boyaca, during the election cycles of municipal mayors. Thus, it is held that identity card registration fraud, as the offense is known as, helped leaders come to power as they used the transport of voters as a form to become elected in each individual locality that they aspired to hold office. Due to this, existing inconsistencies were identified between the population growth for persons over 18 and the electoral census for each of the analyzed periods, considering the different administrative as well as penal charges presented before the proper entities and the social perceptions through analysis of the local press. As a result seeking to discover one of the consequences of fraud in the democratic context.

publication date

  • 2014-10-06


  • Boyaca
  • Electoral migration
  • electoral census
  • local elections
  • population census.

Document Id

  • 3d3f27b2-3c54-4b83-b021-9dd56ff73939