Desenlaces postoperatorios en pacientes ASA I y II quirúrgicos de riesgo bajo e intermedio según el estado de ansiedad. Hospital Universitario Méderi, 2018 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Diaz Domínguez, Mario Andrés
  • Rodríguez Moreno, Diana Mayerly

external tutor

  • Moreno, Leonardo


  • An important number of patients who go to elective surgery have a certain degree of anxiety. Anxiety is related to unwanted outcomes in the field of perioperative medicine. Preoperative anxiety is considered a normal response, but magnification or exaggerated response could be related to intra or postoperative unwanted outcomes. Higher intraoperative anesthetic consumption, greater hemodynamics variability and hypothermia in the postoperative period, could be associated with anxiety. This study aims to compare different outcomes at the postoperative period in ASA I and II patients that underwent ambulatory surgery of low or intermediate surgical risk according to the presentation of anxiety defined by the Amsterdam Anxiety and Need for Preoperative Information Scale which was translated and validated for Colombia. A prospective cohort study was conducted, sequentially included all ambulatory surgery patients ASA I and ASA II taken to low or intermediate risk surgery. Length of stay in the UCPA, consumption of postoperative pain relievers and postoperative pain were measured. Sample was characterized by sociodemographic, clinical, surgical history, current surgical event, and current anesthetic act and in the immediate postoperative variables. The RR of nausea and / or vomiting was calculated, as well as the contribution of each factor in the increase in the time spent in UCPA and pain after the first hour of postoperative. It was found that the risk of undergoing intermediate risk surgery and suffering nausea and vomiting in the immediate postoperative period is 1.48% (95% CI 1.01; 1.78) compared to the risk of undergoing low risk surgeries. Age, history of opioid consumption and abdominal-pelvic surgery was associated with pain. Surgical intermediate risk was associated with longer stay in UCPA. No differences were found between patients who reported preoperative anxiety measured with the APAIS scale.

publication date

  • August 21, 2019 8:57 PM


  • Nausea and vomiting (PONV)
  • Perioperative anxiety
  • Postoparative pain
  • The Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS)
  • Timing in the postanesthetic unit care (PACU)

Document Id

  • 426f98bf-96cc-4b7b-a45f-c72dabe909ee