Liderazgo transformacional y comportamiento innovador en el trabajo en una FoodTech de la ciudad de Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Cantillo Gutierrez, Aida Constanza


  • The objective of this research is to identify a significant relationship between transformational leadership and innovative behavior at work in food startups, also known as FoodTech for to the incorporation of technological development within the food industry. A quantitative research with descriptive scope and cross-sectional design was carried out, which analyzed the perception of 150 workers of a FoodTech in Bogotá city regarding the transformational leadership of their boss, expressed in five factors: vision, inspirational communication, supportive leadership, intellectual stimulation and recognition. Innovative behavior at work of collaborators was also examined and the association between this and transformational leadership factors was estimated. As a result, statistically significant correlations were identified between the transformational leadership of the boss and the innovative behavior of the workers: the least association was with the vision factor (rxy = 0.56) and the greatest association was with the inspiration and stimulation factors (rxy = 0.72). in each case). In addition, these last two factors significantly predict 58% of innovative behavior at work, for which it is concluded that transformational leadership has a significant impact on innovative behavior at work, favoring the development of new ideas by employees. the collaborators. This research makes it possible to identify transformational leadership practices that favor innovation from the role itself in fast-growing organizations in a sector of high uncertainty, such as FoodTech.

publication date

  • October 28, 2022 1:18 PM


  • FoodTech
  • Innovation work behavior
  • Start-up
  • Transformational leadership

Document Id

  • 448e3977-e875-448c-8783-ce1fe716db11