Implementación del programa de servicios amigables para la prevención de embarazos no deseados en adolescentes en el municipio de Santa Bárbara Iscuandé Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • López Martínez, Karen Alexandra


  • This project was directed to the implementation of the Friendly Services Program for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies of adolescents in the municipality of Santa Bárbara Iscuandé. This implementation was carried out through awareness and information on the generating issues for the target population, the activation and socialization of the Friendly Clinic for adolescents from 10 to 19 years old belonging to the community and, finally, the evaluation of the impact from the implementation of the program in the municipal seat, through the application of an evaluation questionnaire in which participants were able to express their opinion about the program, knowledge and generating issues. The project included some tools of the methodology of research and participatory action (IAP), based on a process of reflection-action-reflection, and in which the participation of the community was fundamental. In the same way, different activities were carried out, such as academic talks, consultancies, interventions, events and massive activities, among others for the fulfillment of the proposed objectives. The results show that the Iscuandereña community is informed and sensitized to Sexual and Reproductive Health, the friendly office activated and functioning and with a positive impact reflected in the surveys.

publication date

  • August 21, 2018 4:15 PM


  • Adolescent
  • Adolescent Healt
  • Pregnancy
  • Reproductive Healt
  • Sexual Health

Document Id

  • 6c196b5b-7ddf-458e-bd45-87a43542ce6c