Creación de marca mediante la utilización de mecanismos estratégicos comunitarios y marketing Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Fajardo Carrillo, María Alejandra
  • Melo Lopez, Paula Daniela


  • This document aims to show the way of how a brand should be created, through the use of communitarian strategic and marketing mechanisms. The goal of the study is to find the appropriate mechanisms for developing and creating a brand; it focuses on the analysis of the main practices and models developed in the area of marketing, examining the impact that the brand can generate in the community where the organization is inserted; besides, it establishes a direct connection with the lifestyle of consumers. Along the document, it is shown that the marketing strategies implemented by each company builds a close and strong relationship with all the stakeholders involved in the branding process, mainly with customers as the most effective way for establishing long-term relationships, focusing exclusively on the needs developed by consumers; from this point, it sets the values of the company (mission, vision, organizational culture, goals). These community strategies are also influenced by many internal and external factors that must be considered in the moment of choosing the right strategy. Strategic mechanisms developed by companies can change significantly from one business sector to another; the importance of the needs that must meet the final consumer must be evaluated from a community aspect, understanding as community all the social and business groups that have direct or indirect relationship with the company. It is concluded through the research conducted that the brands reflect the image the company gives to its buyers establishing an emotional connection between consumers and the brand developed; besides, it stimulates supply and demand business. It is expected that by obtaining theoretical and conceptual information, the creation of a brand through the correct use of strategic community and marketing mechanisms be easier to understand.

publication date

  • 2016-06-13


  • Branding
  • Community
  • Relational marketing
  • Strategy

Document Id

  • 6fc2bed6-8302-4053-b358-b4857198c6f6