Re-existir como forma de vida. Crónicas arhuacas de naturaleza, ciudad e identidad indígena Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rojas Becerra, Sara Sofía
  • Segovia Nieto, Daniela


  • At the end of the 19th century, the Arhuaca indigenous community was subjected by the Catholic Church and the State to live under the values of the West because they were still governed by their own traditions and customs. His intervention was intended to suppress all manifestations of their own culture and impose their religion, politics, language, among other elements of their social order. To make these other forms of life invisible and transform, they exercised different types of violence such as psychological, physical, symbolic, state and structural. Even today, in the 21st century, the relationship between the West and the indigenous communities, in this case the Arhuacos, is still based on indifference and contempt. That’s why several members have had to leave their territory and travel to Bogotá to demand their rights and educate themselves in and about the system they want to dialogue with. An apathetic society that is characterized by not stopping to know other worlds, other ways of seeing life, from horizontality.From the intention of knowing the indigenous Arhuac visions from their own voices we decided to write three chronicles from the perspective of students from universities in Bogotá of this community in which they expose their worldviews on aspects such as nature, death, time, life in general; the way in which from their beliefs they see the city to which they come and the way in which they end up reexisting, that is, building an identity in which they decide to keep their indigenous culture alive in an environment with a hegemonic culture that discriminates against them.

publication date

  • November 11, 2021 1:38 PM


  • Culture
  • Identity
  • Indigenous
  • Nature
  • Re-existence

Document Id

  • 72731972-51b8-44b8-a6e6-aa9e774e9990