Diagnóstico de los protocolos de formulación e implementación de la política pública de “Prevención de violaciones a los derechos a la vida, integridad, libertad, y seguridad de personas, grupos y comunidades” Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Altamar Barrios, Cielo María
  • Dussán Cáceres, María Victoria
  • López Gutiérrez, Angela María


  • Public Policy for the “Prevention of violations to the right to life, integrity, liberty and personal safety of individuals, groups and communities” begins its formulation process in year 2011, with the purpose of providing solution to serious and persistent violations to Human Rights as well as violations to International Human Rights, with special emphasis in the problems of forced displacement. Nevertheless, the lengthy process to obtain legal recognition through National Decree dated 28 September 2017, suffered lapses as regards the traceability of internal protocols, the extension and reach to object populations and further evaluation. For this reason as well as sociopolitical events happening in the country with direct incidence in such process, the Ministry of Interior contracted this consultancy with the purpose of diagnosing of the formulation and implementation protocols relevant to this Public Policy.

publication date

  • January 23, 2019 4:16 PM


  • Public Policy Diagnostic

Document Id

  • 730751bd-70d4-4103-a374-12dfffdd0b14