Condición femenina de la mujer víctima en la masacre de El Salado : desde una perspectiva psicoanalítica Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Carvajal Chaves, Stephania
  • Cuervo Barreto, Laura


  • The present investigation on the female condition of the victims of the El Salado slaughter is a bibliographic analysis of the events that occurred in the “Montes de Maria” on February of 2000. Starting from the testimonies of the survivors, files and history videos of the mentioned slaughter, the information is analyzed under the psychoanalytic theory, primarily from Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, in relation to the female condition and psychic trauma. Categories of analysis have been used, which can offer an explanation to the symbolic aspects that appear previous, during and after the events of 2000, and emphasis is made in the events in which the women were victims, in order to analyze the role that women play in this kind of slaughters and in violent events. There are some significant differences in the violent events between men and women, where women were sexually abused and also were judged for having a relationship with members of guerrilla groups, suggesting that the female condition develops a special role in the war, in this case in the El Salado slaughter of 2000.

publication date

  • 2012-11-30


  • El Salado slaughter
  • Symbolic
  • Trauma
  • female condition

Document Id

  • 7567f2ee-7816-4bed-83a4-175ff7755587