Síntomas residuales posterior a la infección COVID-19 en un grupo pacientes de la ciudad de Bogotá durante el año 2020, análisis de una cohorte. Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Cepeda Salazar, Rodolfo Leonardo
  • Mora Rojas, Laura Stephanie


  • COVID-19, declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, has presented to date a confirmed number of 208,470,375 infections worldwide, with a mortality of 2.1%, and 4,877,323 cases in Colombia, with a mortality of 2.5%; After COVID-19 infection, there may be residual symptoms according to various observational studies carried out around the world. This study presents the prevalence of residual symptoms three months after acute infection by COVID-19 at the physical, mental and cognitive level, in relation to the severity of the symptoms and the different sociodemographic, personal and pathological antecedents of a group of patients from Bogotá, between the first and second semesters of 2020. Methodology: A prospective cohort analytical study was carried out, with non-probabilistic convenience sampling in 191 patients with a diagnosis of COVID19 infection, in a group of patients from Bogotá, during the year 2020. A survey was designed online for the collection of information, for the follow-up of patients 3 months after discharge. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were collected. Variables, bivariate and multivariate analyzes are performed. Results: Among the most prevalent physical symptoms are fatigue and sensory alterations in 35.6% of the studied population, followed by dyspnea in 27.2% of the population. As well as mental and cognitive symptoms, 5.8% of cases of anxiety 2.1% of depression and 3.7% of neurological deterioration. The appearance of sensory and motor alterations is statistically related to the ICU requirement and the smoking history, as well as fatigue with smoking history. Finally, when performing a multivariate analysis, some variables associated with sensory impairment, anxiety and cognitive deficit present a normal distribution, with high probability, at a value close to reality. Conclusion: The persistence of symptoms 3 months after COVID-19 infection has a greater impact on neurological and respiratory symptoms, neurological symptoms are statistically significantly associated with the requirement of ICU during care for SARS-CoV infection -2. At the public health level, larger studies are required to continue evaluating the impact of symptoms on people who have suffered from COVID-19

publication date

  • August 31, 2021 5:59 PM


  • COVID-19
  • COVID-19, long- COVID-19, sequels, outcomes, variants, vaccine
  • Characterization of the prevalence of residual symptoms of SARS-CoV-2
  • Long- COVID-19
  • Outcomes
  • Post-COVID-19 Conditions
  • Sequels
  • Vaccine
  • Variants

Document Id

  • 7647a895-029d-4be8-89ba-6b8b2f405fc8