Análisis de la primera plana del diario El Espectador en el cubrimiento de las posesiones presidenciales desde 1958 hasta 1986: la personalización de la política colombiana Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Palacino Escobar, Valeria


  • The Colombian press, from before the National Front, was marked by traditional political ideologies, which leaves as a question what was more important for the newspapers at the time of publishing the coverage or news about presidential possession, if the objectivity or the fidelity towards their ideology. In this investigation, an analysis of the front page of the newspaper El Espectador of August 8, 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970, 1974, 1978, 1982 and 1986 will be carried out, which correspond to the National Front and its dismantling. And taking into consideration that El Espectador is a liberal newspaper, the questions were answered: how is the front page of the newspaper El Espectador different from August 8, when the coverage of the possession of a liberal president was made to that of a conservative? during the National Front and its clearing process? And what if there were differentiating nuances in the news published then on the front page?

publication date

  • January 29, 2021 6:19 AM


  • Bipartisan press
  • Disassembly of the National Front in Colombia
  • El Espectador newspaper
  • Media and National Front in Colombia
  • Partisan biases in the news media
  • Political customization
  • Political ideology and the press
  • Political personalization

Document Id

  • 87eb16e5-df23-4a95-82bd-acd013649c14