Teoría del caos y la complejidad en la representación de la relación estratégica comunitaria y marketing en los estados financieros Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Mahecha Zambrano, Daniel Felipe
  • Martinez Ariza, Mauricio


  • The Main goal of this research is to characterize both key concepts and key elements of the chaos and complexity in the existing relationship between organizations and community. This relationship is built on the fact of meet the needs of the stakeholders involved, in addition it enhance the performance of each of those ones. In this way it could be possible to contribute to the life quality of the society and companies perdurability as well.Furthermore, to begin and in order to reach the proposed goal, it is necessary contextualize concepts which will be all over the text. It will be explained concepts such as Complexity Theory, Chaos Theory, the most representative aspects of the community relationship and marketing and its impact in the communities. Complexity Theory will help us to understand systems as a whole, where interactions and relationships presented by every single part drive us to uncountable possible scenarios. It also will be found out the importance of the relationship community-organization, in this specific case community can play a determinant role when it comes to organizations adapting to changes.Moreover, being very important to establish strategic relationship with community, (understanding community as a system or a social group with particulars features, which allow both organizations and community to understand and satisfy efficiently the underlying needs. In this way it will be probably to reach an environment of continuous feedback and sustainability over time. Currently academics agree that world working has changed so far, before knowledge was focused by the order and regularity. Instead, now it is stand out the creativity and the dynamic which are caused by the disorder and irregularity in the self-organized system where its working can end up in unpredictable or random outcomes. Matter of complexity systems has been developed by different authors with a framework in approximations from different science branches like cybernetic; it is based feedback and control mechanisms, likewise the general systems theory that it is focused in the dynamism in systems and the way it is present in the organization and its structure.The following project will be developed by a study theoretical-conceptual, selecting the data base, the information sources and the most representative documents that provide the maximum information possible, which allows complete understanding of research and the scope proposed in it. Whereby, this research seeks contribute elements to the studies done that explains and try to improve the organizational perdurability, supported by the investigations lines. Through time the “GIPE” has been evolved, according with the outcomes of the research and it has focused in the four investigations lines, Leadership, Reality, Strategy and Management. The project “Relationship with the environment and marketing” is a part of the Management investigation line, It looks for management opportunities for getting closer the knowledge and functional areas management to the organizations. In addition this project enters organizations in complex environments and their relationship with the community, seeing the organization as a living being that contributes to the welfare of society that the end is what ensures its durability.

publication date

  • 2015-08-02


  • Context
  • Corporation
  • International
  • National
  • community
  • environment

Document Id

  • 8b777db1-8130-43d1-8825-b349c5fe9a3f