Descripción del mercado frutícola colombiano en el exterior, análisis de oportunidades y barreras en el continente europeo Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rojas García, Nathaly


  • We are interested in reviewing the current fruit market, the current opportunities for exporting to the world market with emphasis on the European continent, and at the same time we seek to point out the various barriers that prevent the good development of this market, which must be analysed in order to present proposals and changes that will benefit this trade, supported by statistics and data extracted from institutions such as Pro Colombia, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), and the Colombian Fruit and Vegetable Association (Asohofrucol).

publication date

  • December 2, 2021 1:54 PM


  • Barriers
  • Colombian fruits
  • Opportunities

Document Id

  • 8b77f330-1d52-4b5c-ac41-e950e4c9677d