La responsabilidad del Estado por la zona de distensión y su área de influencia (1998-2002) Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Ángel Müller, Carmen


  • The following thesis aims to study and analyse historical and political facts that preceded and determined the creation of a demilitarized zone(DMZ) which would allow a peace process with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to take place in order to put an end to the Colombian Armed Conflict; the legal framework established with the process in mind; its implementation and later retake of the zone by state armed forces, along with the responsibility the government incurred as a consequence of the indirect damage caused to the inhabitants of the surrounding area of this DMZ, taking into account former research of the central topics of this investigation made by different authors.

publication date

  • 2016-03-28


  • Armed conflict
  • Compensation
  • Damages
  • Demilitarized zone
  • Goverment responsability
  • Peace

Document Id

  • 95a51f24-23a4-4ebb-890b-b3131edd0162