Impacto de la estética organizacional en el rendimiento de los empleados: una revisión de la literatura Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Castaño Muñoz, Maria Alejandra


  • In recent years, more and more organizations have decided to make changes in their workspaces in order to implement designs and spatial configurations that are more appropriate for employee well-being. The objective of this systematic literature review is to analyze these configurations from an aesthetic perspective and examine their effects on the performance of individuals in the organization. Different elements of ambience and design are distinguished, such as office types, and factors such as lighting, privacy and comfort, which are analyzed in relation to the preferences of employees and the advantages of these factors according to the needs of each company

publication date

  • December 12, 2022 7:31 PM


  • Employee motivation
  • Organizational climate
  • Organizations
  • Productivity
  • Work environment
  • Workspace design

Document Id

  • aba56b82-3125-474a-9f21-21870c2a134d