Corticoides versus Placebo o tratamiento conservador en Cefalea post punción dural. Revisión sistemática y metaanálisis Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Robayo Conde, Omar Andrés
  • Roncancio Arias, Gildardo

external tutor

  • Rodríguez Sánchez, Geovanny


  • IntroductionA systematic literature review and meta-analysis was performed to determinethe utility in terms of reducing the intensity and the prevention of post-duralheadache of intravenous corticosteroids.Materials and methodsSystematic review and meta-analysis, two reviewers selected and analyzedarticles defined in terms of input, extracted general characteristics of theincluded studies, described the main findings and summarized their results.Heterogeneity by I2 and Tau2 coefficient was analyzed, the magnitude ofeffect was analyzed in the coefficient Z, all statistical assumed a significancelevel of 95%, in tables and figures (control bias and Forrest Plot)Results75 references were selected, 33 identified in the search and 48 Snowballmethod; Six agreed with the eligibility criteria; 69 were excluded for notmeeting the inclusion criteria; masking aspect of increased risk of bias(intermediate); All in all it was good control of risk of bias among theincluded studies.The results show low heterogeneity for intervention with steroids in thetreatment of post-dural headache; wide heterogeneity and void for preventingpost-dural headache.ConclusionsThe use of hydrocortisone or methylprednisolone in reducing the intensity ofthe post-dural headache is recommended.You do not have evidence of dexamethasone in preventing post-duralheadache. It requires additional studies with other pharmacologicalinterventions on the plausibility of the condition (post-dural headache) couldprevent or reduce its occurrence

publication date

  • 2016-02-08


  • Anesthesia
  • Dexamethasone
  • Hydrocortisone
  • Incidence
  • Methylprednisolone
  • Post-dural puncture headache
  • Spinal
  • Weights and measures

Document Id

  • b34bf5be-5b5a-4925-9f1d-6da91a6ef9aa