Implementación Nacional del Manual Para la Atención Preconcepcional y Planificación Familiar en una Entidad Administradora de Planes de Beneficios de Salud EAPB, en el segundo semestre del año 2021 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Monsalvo Díaz, Fernando José


  • Objective: National Implementation of the Manual for Preconception Care and Family Planning, in the context of specialized gynecology consultation, preconception counseling, and family planning counseling, to guarantee a comprehensive diagnostic and / or therapeutic approach and thus reduce morbidity and mortality rates. secondary schools, allowing also to offer individual education aimed at said morbidity and to guide the user, companions and / or caregivers, on the care required for the recovery of health conditions and sexual and reproductive rights. Scope: This Manual is constituted for the care of users from 10 to 50 years old, affiliated with EPS Sanitas, with the presence of any morbidity condition, with an emphasis on carrying out a diagnostic and / or therapeutic approach, in addition to solving The own needs in family planning, in the field of external consultation of the Medical Centers (MC) of Primary Care of EPS Sanitas at the national level, includes the guidelines for their comprehensive care. For its development, a comprehensive approach is provided by different health professionals that include: gynecologist, family doctor and general practitioner with training in family planning and head nurse, in charge of the family planning consultation; at the scheduled consultation. With this approach, the patient receives personalized attention, there is better follow-up and adherence that results in a better quality of life for her and her environment. Results: • It seeks to increase the coverage of the insured population with the information available on the different family planning methods available in the Health Benefits Plan (HBP). • Standardization of the care process for preconception counseling and family planning consultations. • Greater knowledge of women regarding the benefits of a planned pregnancy, possible risks of an unplanned pregnancy and its prevention. • Prevention of pregnancy in adolescent women. • Reduce barriers in the care of patients who attend by requesting advice from family planning and preconception. • Optimization of the state of health at the time of pregnancy, generating a culture of preparation for it. • Greater knowledge of sexual and reproductive rights by users by EPS Sanitas. Conclusions: • The strategy aims to reach the entire female population of childbearing age in the EPS, carrying out educational intervention on sexual rights and reproductive rights, family planning methods and benefits of planned pregnancy, and providing planning methods or micronutrients, to reduce perinatal maternal morbidity and mortality. • This approach aims to reach the population to increase the demand induced in access to family planning methods and counseling for planning a pregnancy. • Offering educational tools for a woman to make the decision to plan a pregnancy or postpone it, it achieves an optimization of her state of health, which also translates into a better distribution of resources to those women who seek to become pregnant. • From my experience with the internship process, I can conclude that in order to intervene from Primary Health Care (PHC) the problems that an unwanted pregnancy can bring and generate a culture of pregnancy planning and adherence to sexual rights and reproductive, requires a huge effort to include methodologies, technological innovation tools, concentration and training of human talent in health. Overcoming and educating in myths, clarifying doubts both to the officials of the insurer and to the patients, their partners and those responsible is a process that will show long-term results. Therefore, the activities of implementation, execution and articulation with the different components of the Comprehensive Health Care Routes (RIAS), should be approached from a multidisciplinary point of view aimed at identifying risk groups, and from these, making the recruitment of patients who will represent the most complications (health burden, health expenditure, health indicators), since, as we will see later, there is no single activity that can solve all the existing problems in the area of ​​sexual rights and reproductive. • This strategy, within EPS Sanitas, can be considered as the backbone to generate a sexual and reproductive health program, which is articulated with the different components of the comprehensive health care routes (from Spanish RIAS) since the proportion of patients or users of the same, groups a large population within the insured universe (women of childbearing age).

publication date

  • August 26, 2021 5:39 PM


  • Contraceptives agents
  • Family planning
  • Health education
  • Manual for Preconception Care and Family Planning
  • Primary health care
  • Services

Document Id

  • b3f81672-b767-4191-9a00-5640497e5955