Asociación entre factores socioeconómicos y hábitos de limpieza en gestantes de Usaquén y Kennedy de la ciudad de Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Aldana Arrieta, Alexandra
  • Casas Pasachoa, Diego

external tutor

  • Espinosa Aranzales, Ángela Fernanda
  • Espinosa-Aranzeles, Angela-Fernanda
  • Pinzon-Rondon, Angela Maria


  • Introduction: There is now a growing recognition that home plays an important role in several issues of hygiene and public health. The home environment has been implicated as an important source of spread of infectious diseases, and intervention hygiene measures involve a reduction in incidence, especially in less developed countries.Objective: To evaluate the association between the practices of hygienic habits of pregnant stratum 1 and 2 of the localities of Usaquén and Kennedy in relation to socioeconomic factors.Methods: This is a cross-sectional analytical study, which was conducted in pregnant women in strata 1 and 2 of the localities of Usaquén and Kennedy in Bogota. Data were collected concerning socioeconomic factors and health habits of 141 pregnant women through the implementation of a survey. The data obtained from the variables of interest were processed through multivariate logistic regression analysis and parametric and nonparametric, in order to establish whether or not there was an association between them.Results: There is an association between the number of live births and the presence of pests (p = 0.034 and correlation coefficient: -1.253). Likewise association was found living in rented rooms and general house cleaning (p=0.008 and correlation coefficient: 0.480). There is an association between age and washing fruits (p=0.041 and correlation coefficient: 0.384).Conclusions: The relationship between hygiene habits and socioeconomic factors among pregnant women. Exists greater habit of washing fruit before being consumed in pregnant older. In addition to this evidence more children reduced presence of pests at home and greater household cleaning. Only a small percentage of households optimal cleaning was evidenced, so should pose more policies to improve the hygiene of the data reported as suboptimal remain in the selected population.

publication date

  • 2016-04-20


  • Hygiene habits
  • health
  • pregnant
  • socioeconomic factors

Document Id

  • cd6281a3-d615-4532-96ea-235e44c2752a