Actitudes hacia la discapacidad : la influencia de variables individuales y contextuales Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rodríguez Rubiano, Lizz Amparo


  • This paper constitutes a review of the influence of individual and contextual variables on the attitudes toward disability. In order to achieve this goal, we describe the concept of disability from a social framework, in which the disability is taken as a relational issue instead of an individual characteristic. Moreover we describe the attitudes toward disability, its types and consequences, having in to account the perceptions, believes, emotions, information about disability and other sociodemographic variables that have a significant role on the formation and maintenance of the attitudes toward disability. Furthermore we present some of the strategies of intervention that are intended to improve the attitudes, aspect that can help or contribute to the acceptance of the people with disability. Finally, the present paper shows the need to continue the study of the attitudes toward disability, and to improve the interventions based on the findings presented.

publication date

  • 2012-12-10


  • attitudes
  • disability

Document Id

  • d37e839a-77aa-4412-b42c-6a28d1e50259