Incidencia de la problemática del narcotráfico en México, sobre la consolidación de la cooperación bilateral con Estados Unidos en la marco de la política antinarcóticos en el período 2000-2009. Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Pérez Peña, Mayra Alejandra


  • This research aims to analyze the impact of Mexico's drug problem on strengthening bilateral cooperation with the United States, in the time between 2000 and 2009. To achieve this objective, in the first chapter describes the main dynamics of drug trafficking in Mexico, showing the major criminal organizations that exist within the country and promoting activities, likewise, the main traffic flow of drugs into the United States . Subsequently, in the second chapter explains the consequences that this problem has left Mexico and the United States and then in the third and final chapter, is performed an analysis of the cooperation between the two countries has been towards to eliminate this problem. Similarly, the sources used for the development of this research are of secondary literature and techniques used nonacademic documents, web pages, press releases, among others. In theoretical terms is referenced functionalist stance espoused by David Mitrany, and some elements of the complex interdependence theory expounded by Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye. Similarly, referring to the reflection of Buzan, who emphasizes the concept of regional security and how it influences the agenda of states.

publication date

  • October 3, 2012 8:56 PM


  • Bilateral cooperation
  • Drug trafficking

Document Id

  • daca0d03-b5f8-48cd-8d81-b1fb94bc6323