Intención de emprendimiento y liderazgo en Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Castaño Bejanarano, Andrea
  • Flórez Moreno, Michelle Carolina
  • López Jurado, Laura Ximena


  • The relationship between leadership and entrepreneurship is a recent topic of study. The term leadership has been studied and focused to other study areas, however there are still conceptual shortcomings regarding to the relation with entrepreneurship. Throughout this study, it is made a literature revision by identifying and analyzing these concepts and their relation during the last decade in Colombia. For this, it has been consulted the literature in online data bases such as Redalyc, Scielo y Dialnet. Along this document, the entrepreneur and leader attributes are outlined, as well as are collected the models of entrepreneurship, leadership theories and the elements that characterized each concept. Finally, the dichotomy between the entrepreneur and the leader is evident, considering that the leadership is an entrepreneur´s characteristic, nevertheless the leadership is not always used to set up new business.

publication date

  • December 15, 2016 5:38 PM


  • Colombia
  • Entrepreneurial intention
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
  • Review research

Document Id

  • e8d67065-cf35-4729-b1cf-bf2f1e35ada0