Comportamiento de precios y demandas de mercados bilaterales en plataformas de comercio electrónico : un análisis de los agentes desde su estructura de incentivos y costos Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ángel Duque, Alejandro


  • This study presents the behavior in prices of five products sold in Internet commerce in Colombia in which more than one seller is located. Under a theoretical analysis of bilateral markets, a review is made of the models that explain the dispersion in market prices. The search costs, the transaction costs, the vertical integration and the existence of price distortions by legal mechanisms are taken as partial observations, with no conclusive results, of the agents strategies. Study presents sales, conversion and product visits, revealing the agents strategies. A review is made of the factors that affect consumer demand according to the location of prices and the nature of the electronic market. The work describes the technologies immersed in e-commerce and contrasts their relevance with the data presented. In conclusion, the study finds that: the partial results follows the line of Reinganum model (1979), there are dispersions in prices associated with the offerer behavior, the existence of legal mechanisms has an impact on prices and there are variables associated with the trust tie in the nature of electronic means.

publication date

  • November 2, 2018 7:01 PM


  • Consumer strategies
  • Cost function
  • E-commerce
  • Legal barriers
  • Price location

Document Id

  • fddb8960-ebd5-44c3-87d4-796c84e24445