Determinantes del bienestar de los trabajadores con base en el modelo integrado de organización saludable- MIOS Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Toro Perlaza, Nubia Alexandra


  • Employees are an important part of stakeholders to which the company must develop strategies to strengthen and turn it into a competitive advantage within the organization. An important part is to ensure the welfare of employees through certain indicators that strengthen and thus welfare impacts the performance of the company and its durability. Based on the analysis of empirical studies that integrate relations Welfare Organizational Culture, Social Capital and Skills, we continue to establish the concepts of sub-factors. This project seeks to identify the degree of relationship between variables Sub-Structural Factors Model MIOS: Skills, Corporate Culture and Social Capital. Further recognize the impact of this relationship on the welfare of employees. In line with previous research we can establish the effects and the positive relationship between the sub-factors and their individual dimensions of Organizational Culture (values, ethics, mission, symbols, etc.), Social capital (networks, trust, norms and standards) and skills (communication, leadership, management, relational, etc.) with the Welfare of employees in particular job satisfaction thereof. By carrying on further exploration of these relationships, researchers and administrators can help in creating a positive work environment for employees to enhance organizational practices that invest in strengthening the skills of employees with ongoing training, strengthening ties between employees and create a culture that will meet and identify members of the organization.

publication date

  • February 6, 2017 7:20 PM


  • Organizational culture
  • competences
  • healthy organizations
  • job satisfaction
  • model
  • relational factors
  • social capital
  • structural factors
  • wellbeing

Document Id

  • 00c184f4-52fa-4053-a7b1-2f02fd9a12b4