Caracterización de mortalidad materna y morbilidad materna extrema en Leticia, Amazonas 2012-2016 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Pineda Rivera, Paula Tatiana


  • SUMMARY: Objectives: To identify sociodemographic characteristics of pregnancy and health care of women who died or were close to dying due to pregnancy, in Leticia, Amazonas. Materials and methods: Descriptive study of cases reported to the Public Health Surveillance System (SIVIGILA) for Maternal Mortality (MM) or Extreme Maternal Morbidity (MME) between 2012 and 2016. Through a collection instrument, information was obtained from: SIVIGILA, clinical histories, units of analysis of MM, evaluation of delays and verbal autopsies. Results: The maternal mortality ratio for Leticia was 103. 1 per 100, 000 live births. There were 6 cases of MM and 30 cases of MME, in women between 16 and 31 years old, mostly single (55%), dedcated to the home (60%) and non-users of contraceptive methods (96. 7%). Indigenous women presented 66. 7% of the MM and 44. 7% of the MME. He was found under prenatal control and late onset of the same. The majority of the MME occurred at the time of delivery (56. 7%), the main cause was obstetric hemorrhage (53. 3%). Half of the MM were caused by sepsis. The delays I (non-recognition of alarm signs) and IV (faults in attention) were the most frequent. Discussion and conclusions: During the study period, the maternal mortality ratioin Leticia doubled the national average. It is important to generate policies and interventions adjusted to the region, improve sexual and reproductive education, family planning, prenatal care, recognition of symptoms and health care.

publication date

  • August 23, 2018 1:29 PM


  • Maternal Mortality
  • Morbidity
  • Pregnant Women

Document Id

  • 113c4b58-eb24-4904-822a-1e10217177aa