Utilidad de la relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing como forma de perdurabilidad ante los procesos de reconstrucción social y económica Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ramirez Velasco, Johana


  • many changes that globalization has brought, where the business environment is undergoing constant change, so the companies are forced to bridle environments with high competitiveness, where customers have become scarce for the organization due to the diversity of offerings on the market and the development of information technologies. This paper discusses the relationship marketing strategies, which has become more important due to the failure of transactional marketing to achieve business sustainability, however emphasis is the concept of community because of the difficulty of applying marketing one to one with customers looking for a long-term relationship with the customer, with the context of social restructuring situations of humanitarian crisis.

publication date

  • 2014-12-14


  • CRM
  • Transactional marketing
  • community
  • humanitarian crisis
  • relationship marketing
  • social restructuring

Document Id

  • 11b66571-37f9-4c17-8aa4-a685415d3ff4