Determinación de la exposición a ditiocarbamatos en el sector floricultor en la Sabana de Bogotá y en Rio Negro-Antioquia Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Díaz Vargas, Andrea


  • Introduction: the Colombian sector has been exporting flowers for more than 40 years, it is a dynamic and beneficial sector for the economy of the country, currently has a participation of 19. 6% of total exports generated. Colombia is one of the great exporters of flowers worldwide, it is the second exporter of fresh cut flowers with a participation of 12. 5% ​​in total trade, after Holand that has 47%. To obtain this type of export flowers and meet the highest quality standards worldwide, it has been necessary to use pesticides which were introduced in our country since the early 60`s. The increase in demand in the Consumption of these has generated an impact on the health of workers in this sector and the environment. Objective: to characterize the exposure to dithiocarbamate pesticides and to determine propylenethiourea levels in an occupationally exposed population in flower companies in the Sabana de Bogotá (Cundinamarca) and Rionegro (Antioquia). Materials and methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out using a database of the macro project called Determination of Biomarkers in Floriculture Sector workers in Colombia. The universe population was constituted by 358 records from the same number of workers. The variables included were the sociodemographic, labor and urine propylenethiourea concentrations. For the statistical analysis univariate frequencies were obtained and for the variables of quantitative type, measures of central tendency and dispersion are presented. Results: the average age of the workers was 36. 2 ± 9. 7 years. 27. 1% (97) corresponded to the male sex and 72. 9% (261) to the female sex. With respect to the position held, 7. 5% (27) belonged to high risk, 86. 6% (310) medium risk and 5. 9% (21) at low risk. 70. 7% are engaged in cultivation, cutting and packing activities. The most commonly used pesticides at work and at home are within the toxicological classification I (extremely toxic) and II (highly toxic) of INVIMA, which correspond to organophosphate, carbamate and dithiocarbamate pesticides. The use of personal protective elements such as a double cartridge respirator in 7. 0%, low cane boot in 58. 4% and tyvec in 2. 0% was evidenced. The levels of the metabolite Propilentiourea (PTU) in urine were on average at the end of the working day of 2. 0 mg / L ± 3. 4. The greatest variation in PTU concentrations was in the medium risk group. Conclusion: The use of extreme and highly toxic pesticides used at an extra-labor level and in flower crops in the Sabana de Bogotá and Antioquia was evidenced. It is necessary to review the matrix of personal protection elements of medium risk workers since they are the ones that presented the greatest variation in the concentration of PTU, likewise, training should be reinforced, preventive measures in self-care not only at the laboratorial level if not at the household level in the handling, handling and adequate disposal of pesticides.

publication date

  • January 29, 2018 8:54 PM


  • Biomarkers
  • Colombia
  • Dithiocarbamate
  • Pesticides
  • Propylenethiourea

Document Id

  • 1499b5de-2812-4af7-a896-60f64a02581c