Adherencia a la quimioterapia y radioterapia en pacientes oncológicos : una revisión de la literatura Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Vargas Sterling, Laura


  • Objective: To review in databases the relevant literature of adherence to chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer; which bring high biological, psychological, social and cultural costs and have been related to lower adherence rates. Method: A search in different databases was performed to identify relevant articles related to the key words. Results: Adherence was defined by multiple meanings and conceptual confusion, presents the national rates in Colombia and worldwide drop of cancer treatment to biological, psychological and social cultural factors that can increase or decrease the likelihood of adherence to the cancer treatment as well as, methods, techniques of assessment and intervention of adherence to the treatment. Conclusions: Adherence is a multifactorial and multi-determined construct, which has been extensively studied in non cancer treatments (e. g. AIDS). Inappropriate psychological interventions and improve adherence to cancer treatment is an evident issue.

publication date

  • June 22, 2011 4:37 PM


  • Adherence
  • neoplasms
  • treatment

Document Id

  • 1ba9d5fb-0109-4951-a9b4-9225e69e30ac