¿Por siempre niños? Corporalidad y discapacidad intelectual : una aproximación sociológica al cuerpo discapacitado Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ruiz Hernández, Juan Daniel


  • Disability is not only a problem of a biological nature that affects people who have some physical or cognitive insufficiency. It also represents a social construction that acts on the body through discourses of a medical and scientific nature, positioning agents in the social space. The social model of disability has sought to revoke the stigmatizing notions and meanings associated with this population, thus allowing their integration into normal social life. However, this analysis has referred to the study of the structures forgetting the body of the person living the disability. Objective. To analyze the practical and daily repercussions that disability has for people who are well with it, as well as the way in which the agents reconstruct this category in their daily life. Methodology. A micro-sociological research was carried out, with an interactionist cut which was attended by 5 key participants, with whom the articulation of ethnography, body cartography and interviews was carried out. Results. It is evident the need to focus the body on the study of disability, which allows to recognize the daily uses that people make of the disability. As well as the differentiated incorporation process which allows it to become a sensitive element for its action. Conclusion. From this, the need to re-structure the models of social inclusion is evidenced, in order to place the subject at the center of the analysis by tracking the real impact of the disability.

publication date

  • February 15, 2017 7:23 PM


  • Body
  • Disability
  • Interdependence
  • Society
  • Stigma

Document Id

  • 1d7cdebd-b41a-4e54-a815-6d94a9becc03