TRANS-formando el mundo a través del cuerpo y la acción colectiva: Una mirada a partir de un colectivo de personas transgénero de Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Camacho Torres, Natalia Angélica

external tutor

  • Aguilar-Forero, Nicolás


  • Trans people in Bogotá are constantly relegated from their rights, because their gender identity manages to question social organization based on a binary division based on the sex / gender system. This added to a series of imaginary associated with being trans, have hindered their quality of life and has led them to embody a series of experiences, in principle, negative. However, trans people are not taxable persons, on the contrary, have found forms of contestation and mobilization that has allowed them to resist, fight and negotiate spaces. This work responds how the bodily experience and collective action of trans women from a trans community in Bogotá make possible their access and permanence to health, educational and work spaces. Through the experiences and activities of the people who make up the Grupo de Acción y Apoyo a personas Trans GAAT, the transformations that these people have achieved through collective action and their bodies in the three spaces mentioned are exposed. Transformations that finally also affect the autonomy of their corporality. Finally, it is concluded that thanks to innovation, new forms of collective actions, associations with other collectives and other social struggles, and always seeking to reach new audiences, these people have managed to access and remain, but mainly to be.

publication date

  • August 11, 2020 5:50 PM


  • Body
  • Collective Action
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Gender
  • Health
  • Transgender

Document Id

  • 1e13ac00-942a-42b3-a6e3-f81cf032a059