Ideación suicida y algunos factores biopsicosociales asociados con estas en pacientes adultos con leucemia, linfomas, cáncer gástrico o cáncer colorrectal Informe de investigación Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Nieto Ladino, María Paola
  • Novoa Castellanos, Andrés Mauricio
  • Vergara Arregocés, Silvia María


  • Cancer is one of the diseases with major impact in the world population, given that itgenerates alterations in the patient environment. The present study has the aim toestablish the prevalence of suicide ideation in patients with Leukemia, Lymphoma andgastric cancer. It was a descriptive exploratory research, attached to the investigationline on psichooncology and palliative care that are part of the project: “Conducta suicida(ideación suicida, intención suicida y suicidio frustrado) y factores biopsicosocialesasociadas a esta en pacientes con cáncer”. The population that participated on the studywas mainly adults from “Centro de Investigaciones oncológicas de la clínica San DiegoCIOSAD”. From this research, its possible to conclude that the prevalence of suicideideation in patients with this type of cancer is; 4.9% (N=10). The factors associatedwith suicide ideation were: number of children, pain and anxiety in the last week and socioeconomic level.

publication date

  • 2012-12-04


  • Cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • factors
  • gastric cancer
  • suicide ideation

Document Id

  • 1f7a254e-24ae-47de-8ff8-3f44b7926e24