Impacto del Burnout en el bienestar y clima de las organizaciones : una perspectiva de mutuo beneficio entre las personas y la organización Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Bernal Guarín, Felipe
  • Ramírez Pallares, Neftaly


  • This study makes possible to acknowledge the incidence of Burnout in self-wellness and organizational climate and productivity. As basis for this study, it was used the branch of a service company in Madrid – Spain and the audit area of a multinational company in Bogotá – Colombia. Two main questionnaires were applied, Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and the Organizational Climate Scale (ECO). Results obtained by both questionnaires underpinned the analysis for a set of variables that determined the relationship between the concepts above. Throughout the theoretical deepening carried out during this study and result attained, it is recommended to align management decisions focused on people’s wellness and based on an equilibrium between job demands and job resources granted by the organization. This will encourage self and organizational wellness and increase productivity in outstanding levels.

publication date

  • 2011-12-14


  • Burnout
  • Organizational climate
  • Wellness

Document Id

  • 23fd5b4c-a05e-4e7b-8e25-684652d2dd80