La producción del espacio de las comunidades afrocolombianas en las localidades de la Candelaria y Santa Fe de la ciudad de Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Cumbe Guerra, Paola Alexandra


  • Since the 60s, the Afro-Colombian population has had an accelerated process of migration to Bogota, It is located mainly in the areas of the central towns of Santa Fe and La Candelaria. So, understanding the urban space not only as a physical space but as a product moulding and re-produces everyday behavior of those who inhabit, his article's main objective is to analyze the production of space in the towns of Candelaria and Santa Fe of Bogota, through the settlements of Afro-Colombian communities. Starting from the conceptual moments in three spatial theory proposed Lefebvre (1974), spatial practices, spatial representation and representational space.

publication date

  • October 4, 2017 12:17 PM


  • Afro-Colombian
  • Production space
  • Representational space
  • Spatial practices
  • Spatial representation

Document Id

  • 26ebcebc-dd6d-4afd-b915-be04f5a50ae6