Energías alternativas en el medio empresarial : rompiendo paradigmas técnicos, económicos y ambientales, a través de la comparación de modelos convencionales, con energías limpias Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Casanova Angarita, Carlos Mauricio
  • Paloma, Alejandro Ignacio
  • Viola, Carlos Andrés


  • Energy is the main tool and strategic resource for excellence in order to make cities, industries, countries and even the most basic production unit works: Family. During the last years, due to the environmental impact which has been in our planet because the use of conventional sources of energy, the care of the environment and the sustainable development it has taken more relevance at all levels in the society. The use of alternatives energies, as source of clean energy, its represents a huge challenge for the entire society, which means in building an economic development model in harmony with the environment. Therefore, this project has as main goal carry out a technical and economic analysis focus on the Colombian industry, in order to compare the current use of conventional energy resources, with an alternative proposal based on the migration towards the use of alternative energies. To perform it, an investigation was carried out that was based on different sources of information, edition, analysis and data interpretation, using as a complementary tool a specialized software with which comparative analyzes were carried out such as energy efficiency, costs and impacts of their uses in the industry, financial sensitivity and risk analysis. The results of the economic and technical analysis show that the implementation of renewable energy projects are quite easy to develop based on the information of the available data taking into account the climatic and geographical areas. Besides, it validates the challenges that Colombia has to face in terms of commitments and goals due to the signing of different international treaties, which are far behind the efforts of other countries and the metrics established to deal with climate change. Colombia could improve considerably its sustainable development indicators through the reinforcement and promotion of this kind of initiatives which has as main motivation the implementation of projects base on clean energy allowing in this way that since a family to a complex industry may access to documentation and practical methodologies to validate the ventures that demand the use of alternatives energies. Finally, it is important to clarify that the methodology to the selection and installation of renewable energies is simple and accessible for all kind of people and organizations.

publication date

  • December 10, 2019 7:02 PM


  • Industrial application
  • Renewable energy
  • RetScreen

Document Id

  • 29c1c31d-d6d9-46a9-9ab6-b32820ea1096