“Patina como chica”. Experiencias sobre la participación de mujeres en el skateboarding en Bogotá. Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rodríguez Rocha, Laura Isabella


  • This work aims to identify how the participation of women in skateboarding influences the way they perceive themselves as women. This research was carried out with a group of young women from the city of Bogotá who practice this sport and who fully identify with the skater community. This work recognizes in first place some of the problems faced by women when accessing this sport and the spaces where it is practiced, this allows us to know the different individual and collective strategies that improve their experience in skateboarding in aspects like recognition and participation. Secondly, it is recognized how this sport let the women skaters conceive different ways of being a woman, but all of these crossed by a notion of empowerment.

publication date

  • February 19, 2021 7:09 PM


  • Access to sports practices
  • Ethnographic study of the skater community in Bogotá
  • Participation of women in skateboarding
  • Public spaces
  • Skater women in Bogotá
  • Social perception of sportswomen

Document Id

  • 2e2ea927-0bf1-453b-ac48-d41ae5a1db18