Dinámica del debate sobre el lobby israelí y su influencia en la toma de decisiones en política exterior estadounidense respecto de Israel. 2002-2012 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Aragón Jiménez, Julián


  • The interest of this paper is to establish the dinamic that has had the debate around the Israel lobby topic and its influence in the decisions in foreign policy. With this, the objective is to determine what is the tendency that maintain the debate nowadays. Because of this, the hypothesis of the paper is that the Israel lobby, as an influence force, is not the only one that searches to establish decisions in the U.S foreign policy, in fact, there are other groups that can make counterweight. Finally, for this paper it will be use different kind of sources, for the purpose of recolect the principals exponents and thus, analyse them properly.

publication date

  • 2014-03-26


  • Foreign policy
  • Israel lobby
  • Lobbies
  • Public opinion

Document Id

  • 31a162df-9a6a-43ca-9ecd-b935ab248645