Síndrome de Burnout y calidad de vida laboral en el personal asistencial de una institución de salud en Bogotá Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Caballero Pedraza, Iris
  • Gómez Shaikh, Jhon Jairo
  • Vega Chávez, Evelyn


  • According to the results, 38.7% of participants had high and moderate severity of burnout syndrome, however, a high level of individual accomplishment, which together with elevated intrinsic motivation found, constitute an important protective factor against overworked and low support of manager. Emotional exhaustion was directly correlated with overworked and inversely with intrinsic motivation.The aim of this study was to describe the Burnout and work quality of life of 62 healthcare workers in a second level of complexity health institution located in Bogotá, Colombia, and observe if there is relationship between these concepts. The Maslach Burnout Inventory [MBI] and Professional Quality of Life Questionnaire [CVP-35] were applied to 62 participants, from different healthcare fields. According to the results, 38,7% of participants had high and moderate severity of the syndrome. However, to have high levels of personal fulfillment, joined to intrinsic motivation, constitute a protective factor to face the overworked and the scarce directive support. Emotional exhaustion were correlated with overworked and inversely with intrinsic motivation. Theimportance of an efficient management in healthcare organizations and the need to exerta direction more people centered, will promote a better quality of life of healthcareworkers and as a result, best assistance to the patients.

publication date

  • July 5, 2016 5:13 PM


  • Burnout Syndrome
  • Healthcare Personnel
  • Work Quality of Life
  • Work overload
  • intrinsic motivation

Document Id

  • 3b718736-8897-4120-b45f-4395049e8e10