Liderazgo y poder : una aproximación desde la ecología Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Arévalo Gutiérrez, Juan


  • The degree work will be developed from the analysis of leadership and power as a feature of it, from an ecological view, which is a very important aspect in management studies. First, the meaning of leadership and the importance it represents within organizations, through the generation of processes that lead the organization to its evolution and development will be addressed. Later will be addressed the power in relation to understanding the effect this may have on the interactions that occur between people of the organization. Finally, it will also study from ecology, as the power exercised by leaders can influence how these agents (people), processes and interactions interact to mobilize the organization. Thus, power is assumed to be an important aspect in the study of leadership, as it can affect the way people are led into the organization.

publication date

  • October 17, 2014 10:00 PM


  • Ecology
  • Influence
  • Leadership
  • Power

Document Id

  • 5aac5314-1daa-463b-8fbb-16884c4bbfac