Determinación de la exposición a dimetoato y o-metoato en trabajadores del sector floricultor, Colombia, 2014 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Palma, Ruth Marien
  • Velandia Galvis, Pablo

external tutor

  • Rodríguez Malagón, Nelcy


  • Introduction: Colombia occupies an important place in the floriculture sector within the lines of the national and world economy. In 2014, it consolidated as the country's first line of non-traditional agricultural exports with 2.5% of all national exports. Organophosphate pesticides (OF) have a pharmacological characteristic that inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, among them, the dimethoate used as an insecticide during the pre-harvest and in the post-harvest of the crops. It is applied by ground injection, aerial spraying, back spraying, among others. O-methoate is the dimethoate oxygen analogous and it is present in products used to control a wide range of insects and mites in the floriculture sector. Objective: To characterize the occupational exposure to the organophosphate pesticides Dimethoate and O-methoate in workers of the floricultural sector. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 358 workers from 27 companies in the floriculture sector, 12 located in the Sabana of Bogotá (Cundinamarca) and 3 in Rionegro (Antioquia). Data was collected on working conditions and exposure history of the population and the levels of exposure to the pesticides Dimethoate and O-methoate in a urine sample were determined using the Montesano method. Results: 72.9% of the workers were women, with an average age of 37 years and working time in the 11-year-old floriculture sector. Regarding the job they performed, 85.8% belonged to medium-risk workers (area managers, field workers and post-harvest workers) and the company had an average age of 7 years. 7.8% occupied more than 80% of their working day fumigating and the most used fumigation equipment was the central pump with 4.5%. In the case of Omet, there were eight positive post-exposure cases for the medium risk category; in the category of high risk, two cases respectively before the day and after the exhibition. Discussion: This study describes the use and exposure levels of organophosphate pesticides (Dmet and Omet) in the floriculture sector in Colombia. Recommendations are given regarding the continuation of this type of studies and the use of these substances.

publication date

  • June 23, 2017 12:37 PM


  • Biomarkers
  • Dimethoate
  • Flowers
  • Omethoate
  • Organophosphates
  • Pesticides

Document Id

  • 5bbf9326-f346-4403-b937-9c24c7c34469