Factores clave de éxito asociados con la introducción de innovaciones en el sector cosméticos y artículos de aseo: estudio de caso Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rodriguez Ramírez, Laura
  • Saleh Vélez, Hyatt


  • Through this work it was developed a comparative analysis where it was evaluated the key success factors associated with the introduction of innovation in two companies of the cosmetic and cleaning sector. The objective of this case study was to find out what are the common factors that allow the best performance in innovation, with the purpose to constitute a base for the PYMES in Bogota. Based on this analysis it was found that by utilizing good practices those companies can obtain good results regarding the innovation activities, either facilitating the process of implementation or developing a culture of constant innovation.

publication date

  • June 12, 2013 8:48 PM


  • Cosmetics and Cleaning Sector.
  • Innovation
  • Key success factor

Document Id

  • 68ed6b64-738d-4dcc-9987-7bde10be128c