La inserción de Colombia en el Sistema Internacional condicionada por la evolución del narcotráfico. (1994-2002) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Marulanda Beltran, Christian Julian


  • The drug problem caused structural changes in various areas of Colombian society by altering the political scene, the economic dynamics and it causes a mark the country's population through their terrorist acts. Also, this problem because its scope has become since the late nineties, a major issue on the agenda of Colombian foreign policy so that the country had generated relevance in the international system for exercising a role negative in the region. Therefore, this paper aims to identify how the drug development process modified the insertion of Colombia in the international system during the years 1994 -2002.

publication date

  • 2015-12-14


  • Drug trafficking
  • Foreign policy
  • Insertion in the international system

Document Id

  • 75057bba-bc0e-4c19-b571-cb69acdb92cc