Modelo para la implementación de procesos de Eco Innovación en el sector industrial Colombiano Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Acosta, Julián


  • The aim of this paper is to present an implementation model and measurement of different processes of eco- innovation in a company. To this end, a structure where the production processes of the Colombian industrial sector and its relation to eco- innovation, it is evaluated for a filter within the proposal and to direct the project right companies to adopt an eco model is presented -innovative . This model is based on different methods of development of concepts such as innovation , sustainable development , and a term which in recent times has been gaining strength in the global business community , the term Eco - friendly . This term will then be a basis for the relationship of productive processes by adapting eco-innovation to generate a reference to an industrial environment and business position in a highly competitive market sustainable development.

publication date

  • 2014-11-11


  • Eco-innovation
  • Enviroment
  • Industry
  • Sustainable development

Document Id

  • 7e17604e-39f2-414f-8629-decc767a762b