Apropiación de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Un estudio de las condiciones socioeconómicas en jóvenes y adolescentes residentes del barrio Las Aguas de Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Palacio Olarte, Natalia


  • This study inquires by the entitlement of sexual and reproductive rights of the young people and adolescents from their socioeconomics conditions. In this way it is examined how the economic income, the religion, the schooling, among others, influence the entitlement of sexual and reproductive rights by conditioning safe and effective making-decisions for exercising a healthy and responsible sexuality. This was investigated through a survey about knowledge, decision making and subjective assessments on the sexuality, applied to 72 young people and adolescents from Las Aguas neighbourhood in Bogota. It was concluded that there is widespread ignorance of sexual and reproductive rights, nevertheless there is some autonomy and responsibility in the exercise of sexuality.

publication date

  • 2014-12-15


  • Sexual and reproductive rights
  • entitlement
  • socioeconomics conditions
  • young people and adolescents.

Document Id

  • 83f0c1ba-b257-4617-8fb7-05d0ccbb7689