Liderazgo, afrontamiento al estrés y toma de decisiones empresariales. una revisión conceptual Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Arredondo Hernandez, Diana
  • Vélez Miranda, Karen Andrea


  • The leadership studies are based on the analysis of reason and emotion, which are two key factors for the development of people and the way these, through own tactics of leadership, demonstrate a differentiating factor between a team work, thus creating a group with a few followers and a leader who manages and supports the pressure of the whole team. Stress is considered a psychological tension that affects the individual and additionally causes physiological changes that can affect the daily lives of people in all walks of life, and the workplace is no exception. Stress can be caused by various circumstances, which are different for each person and these are presented in different aspects of life of the individual, for example this can be presented to family, educational, professional, and others depending on the individual who is being analyzed. ... Receive a failing grade in a physical, get considerably late for an important meeting, or play a sudden death overtime in a hockey game. (Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy, 2007, p. 456) This work focuses on work stress, as it is critical to decision making, it is one of the most important managerial activities; so the effect of stress on decision making to business levels will be considered. Job stress has been studied for more than three decades so it is possible to find definitions; about it. McGrath, in 1970 defined work stress as the substantial imbalance (perceived) between demand and the responsiveness of the individual under conditions where failure to this demand has important consequences (perceived). (Navarro, 2009, p. 86) From this definition one could assume that job stress has an effect on decision-making regardless of the position that the individual performs. In order to understand and contribute to the administration as a resource for discipline that they understand this concept psychologically, which has implications in organizations and how managers make decisions, so they can adopt them to their daily lives within organizations, a monograph will be based primarily on articles and books have introduced this issue previously held, but have not released these advances to the administrative line.Finally, the expected results of this investigation other than to inform managers the progress from those existing social sciences and management that enable better management development, contributing to the development of professional skills of managers and entrepreneurs is expected to describe the external factors that affect stress and identify how this affects decision-making in management.

publication date

  • 2014-08-25


  • decision-making
  • emotional intelligence
  • leadership
  • stress
  • transformational leadership

Document Id

  • 86455827-f736-4df6-b7fa-da9e6b60ab3a