Evaluación de la validez de la escala llanto para el dolor en neonatos y menores de cinco años Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • López, Claudia Alejandra
  • Rodríguez Torres, Viviana
  • Tibaduiza Bayona, José Daniel
  • Ulloa, Luis Carlos


  • Backround: LLANTO pain scale has only been validated in Spanish child population, currently no data are known in Colombian population. It is intended to validate the LLANTO pain scale in neonates and children under 5 years. The aplicacion was in one of three institutions, and compared with the FLACC and PIPP scales depending on patient age. Methods: We included children with any kind of pain, classifying them into two age groups: 1) neonates and 2) children between 1 month and 5 years old, who attended in the Fundacion Cardioinfantil, Clinica Infantil Colsubsidio or in the Hospital Universitario Mayor. The scales were applied by two pediatric residents and pediatric nurse. For the pilot test a questionnaire were designed to determine difficulties in implementing the scale. After solve the problems identified will proceed to the validation of the scale. Results: Data from the pilot test are presented. In the sample, were included 8 neonates and 8 infants from 1 month to 5 years, it was obtained in a period of one month. Acceptance and understanding of the LLANTO pain scale was evaluated by the evaluators. The pilot test showed favorable results in 100% of the respondents. Discussion: It is considered that the LLANTO pain scale requires no changes to continue with validation.

publication date

  • 2015-07-28


  • Crying
  • Pain
  • Pediatric
  • Scale

Document Id

  • 86ef1906-d8c5-422f-9962-4bee4adf2ce4