Incidencia del retorno de Francia al Comando Militar Integrado de la OTAN en sus relaciones con Estados Unidos en el periodo 2007-2011 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Nagatani Trujillo, Yoshio


  • This paper employs the Theory of Political Realism to establish the incidence of France's return to the Integrated Military Command of NATO in its relations with the United States. French President Nicolas Sarkozy decision to reintegrate France into NATO's Integrated Military Command, marked a strategic reassessment through a rapprochement with the United States as part of a new approach of the french role in the international system. The withdrawal had a significant impact on Franco-American relations: the normalization of France into NATO was of great interest to both states as it acted for their strategic needs and was also a political gesture that reassembled the battered relations after the Iraqi crisis in 2003.

publication date

  • 2013-03-14


  • Franco-american relations
  • Integrated Military Structure
  • NATO
  • Political Realism

Document Id

  • 886b5b97-9a8d-43d1-8801-b68df904523a